Sunday, January 11, 2009

art damage is brought to you by the expensive association

Wow, my new tactic is to write this post in Microsoft Word thus the capitalization will be automatic and easier to read.

Magic is happening in the studio. I’m finding my Korg OASYS PCI is one of the best sounding synths I’ve ever heard! This is mainly because the PC is in the shoppe being fixed…

is a page where you can find the art damage bundle, a collection of patches for the OASYS PCI freely available for download.

Of course you have to have the hardware to use any of it…

• My buddy from ??? just put up his first myspace site,
I would love it if you checked it out IF you happen to like interesting noise ambient sounds. This guy knows his stuff and just one listening is not enough for his stuff. I have stuff he hasn’t released and I’ll tell you it’s good! He may send some stuff for me to “master” which I would love, but in the meantime definitely go to:

Well, I hope that you enjoy that!

Reading: the four-hour workweek
It has lots of good advice.

Listening: Stereolab, Autechre, We love you

And more!

Gonna go for now, stay cool: it’s winter.

Art Damage

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