this is the first posting of the
art damage ultrablog
home of the whopper.
glad you could join me
i've been sorting out various technical issues with my recording studio and this has pre-empted any creation. so i'm reading and calling tech support.
the photo above is a video still from the infamous "blood performance" where i spontaneously became a monty cantsin spontaneously during an all-ages gig and withdrew my blood with a syringe and then sprayed it on to the snow channel of a black and white TV. it was an interesting experiment as the so-called Chinese Whispers effect where the true story of what went down was significantly altered as it passed around town... it actually appeared in a local college newsweekly that i licked the blood off of the TV. Not a bad idea i'll have to try that...
some girl thought i was injecting drugs on stage. THAT IS SO NOT TRUE!
instead i was smoking hash behind the building before my performance and my friend gave me a sublingual ativan before the show (2mg) but that's all. i promise.
anyway the whole thing was filmed by trusty perp videonog abominog. i should figure out how to get that video on youtube! maybe some people might like that...
in the meantime i've concentrated less on performance art (damage) and more on music.
hopefully ideas like listening to music should catch on someday and i can put the on-stage antiks to rest. (best left to the professionals). i hope that if you want to hear what kind of music i create don't expect industrial noise... all the time.
you might be surprised
ok well i'm all typed out
i'll post again soon
thanks for reading
art damage
1 comment:
If Matthew wasn't getting into the middle of one... 'WILD,CREATIVE,EXPRESSIVE WORLD'... or another...
He would not be the ART DAMAGE we have come to love and admire.
Your new music and videos are great.
Keep up the excellent work.
Your Friend,
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