hi folks,
well it's holidayze time of year. i'm still learning things and doing side project work...
always reading, always listening to new and old music.
murcof is one of my favorite listens these days.
sigur ros too!
my videos have been doing well at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporations'
exposure site --- getting exposed a lot.
remember to keep your eyes warm this winter
play safe and have fun
art damage
this is the ultimate in art damage blogging... high resolution, folks play safe and have fun. but don't forget the industrial music
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
hi there,
art damage is on break while i do a soundtrack to a documentary
i'm really glad to be involved...
the studio is working well
i'm getting alot of attention on a video site from the CBC:
if you're curious about more art damage goto:
well i'm relieved to report that my DVD player was not lost as previously reported so
things are good
that's all for now
art damage
art damage is on break while i do a soundtrack to a documentary
i'm really glad to be involved...
the studio is working well
i'm getting alot of attention on a video site from the CBC:
if you're curious about more art damage goto:
well i'm relieved to report that my DVD player was not lost as previously reported so
things are good
that's all for now
art damage
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
knifehammer show
i would like to tell you about my most recent gig.
it was interesting to me that i got the gig through myspace!
a band called knifehammer (metal) contacted me about playing
a bar show with other (metal) bands. i was stoaked at the idea
so i said yes
finally i show up for the gig and it's one technical problem after another
i get the computer going finally and
one of the other bands starts to play.
i began to drink too much
and when it was time to play
well let's say it one of my less inspired performances
most of the people left the room when i was on
thanks to the girl who danced
and to the other who bought a cd
traded shirts with knifehammer
got home only to find i had lost my DVD player
making it a very expensive night out
so i don't really want to play bar shows anymore
and that's all she wrote
art damage
it was interesting to me that i got the gig through myspace!
a band called knifehammer (metal) contacted me about playing
a bar show with other (metal) bands. i was stoaked at the idea
so i said yes
finally i show up for the gig and it's one technical problem after another
i get the computer going finally and
one of the other bands starts to play.
i began to drink too much
and when it was time to play
well let's say it one of my less inspired performances
most of the people left the room when i was on
thanks to the girl who danced
and to the other who bought a cd
traded shirts with knifehammer
got home only to find i had lost my DVD player
making it a very expensive night out
so i don't really want to play bar shows anymore
and that's all she wrote
art damage
Thursday, June 21, 2007

back again
as promised:
intro to NEOism. you cannot put it in a wheelbarrow but it's worth mentioning none the less.
there is a particular open-pop-star-gone-mad Monty Cantsin/Istvan Kantor who was a big influence on me during the toronto years. i played one gig- Liberer Monty Cantsin- at Foufoon Electrique in Montreal. i played a MIDI drum pad triggering samples of drums and other things. it took forever to load the samples (floppys) in between songs... the band was Phycus, a project of the Neoist Machine Group. anyway the concert was to help out Istvan cause he got arrested by the FBI donating a blood painting to a gallery in New York. some got splashed on a Picasso by accident. anyway the show went really well and we sang a rousing chorus of Salut Les Riches with special guest Monty Cantsin himself on Vocals.
since then, Monty has released albums, made new videos (that are fantastic - wait for the link) and got the governor general's award for his work in video. oh canada. yay.
neoism itself is more of a stance than a philosophy, any attempts at nailing it down are immediately replaced with new ideas.
i worked on a recording project with Monty doing some of the tracks of the noise bible CD. it was a very intense time but very interesting to record with him. i manned the mix a few times and with some help got results.
here's some links for further reading:
well i hope that was illuminating?!
no okie no dokie
art damage
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
how to annoy buskers
yep more from me...
i'd like to take this moment to recall a particularly death-defying performance i was a part of..
it was in the early '90's and one day i get a phonecall from Monty Cantsin/Istvan Kantor/AMEN. he tells me there's a performance going down and would i like to be a part of it? immediately i said yes! He told me to wear black pants, white shirt and a tie.
i showed up at the precise co-ordinates ready for anything. there was a busker's festival (street perfomers) going on and we had a performance to do. we had an entire city block cordoned off for our gig.
it went like this:
first we distributed 6 oil drums along the blocked off street. we knelt before our audience, in our right hands was gold colored poo. monty jumped to the roof of his van and began a speech on his megaphone... " i am the best friend you could ever have"
he went on for a bit then at a precise moment we threw the golden shit onto the ground and got up onto the oil drums. a strip of metal sheet was laid out from one end of the block to the other. each of the 6 people standing on the oil drums held a steam-iron. someone started pouring contact cement all down the strip of metal and a bit on each steam iron.
what happened next i was not ready for...
they lit the contact cement on fire!
10 foot high chemical flames shot down the street, my oildrum started to wobble and the audience let out a collective "gasp" and backed away from us... the firemen and police were getting very nervous at this point and we almost had fire engines visit us! the cement on my steam-iron started to drip onto the oven mitt i was wearing for protection, it was getting hot!!
as the flames finished we then proceeded to smash the hell out of the oilcans. and the oven mitt kept smoldering...
well that was certainly one of the most memorable performances i've ever been a part of!
i'm certainly glad i didn't get injured.
ahhh neoism... so inspirational. so dangerous...
i'll explain more about Monty Cantsin (s) but not Karen Elliot...
in my next post.
till then
play safe and have fun!
art damage
yep more from me...
i'd like to take this moment to recall a particularly death-defying performance i was a part of..
it was in the early '90's and one day i get a phonecall from Monty Cantsin/Istvan Kantor/AMEN. he tells me there's a performance going down and would i like to be a part of it? immediately i said yes! He told me to wear black pants, white shirt and a tie.
i showed up at the precise co-ordinates ready for anything. there was a busker's festival (street perfomers) going on and we had a performance to do. we had an entire city block cordoned off for our gig.
it went like this:
first we distributed 6 oil drums along the blocked off street. we knelt before our audience, in our right hands was gold colored poo. monty jumped to the roof of his van and began a speech on his megaphone... " i am the best friend you could ever have"
he went on for a bit then at a precise moment we threw the golden shit onto the ground and got up onto the oil drums. a strip of metal sheet was laid out from one end of the block to the other. each of the 6 people standing on the oil drums held a steam-iron. someone started pouring contact cement all down the strip of metal and a bit on each steam iron.
what happened next i was not ready for...
they lit the contact cement on fire!
10 foot high chemical flames shot down the street, my oildrum started to wobble and the audience let out a collective "gasp" and backed away from us... the firemen and police were getting very nervous at this point and we almost had fire engines visit us! the cement on my steam-iron started to drip onto the oven mitt i was wearing for protection, it was getting hot!!
as the flames finished we then proceeded to smash the hell out of the oilcans. and the oven mitt kept smoldering...
well that was certainly one of the most memorable performances i've ever been a part of!
i'm certainly glad i didn't get injured.
ahhh neoism... so inspirational. so dangerous...
i'll explain more about Monty Cantsin (s) but not Karen Elliot...
in my next post.
till then
play safe and have fun!
art damage
Saturday, June 9, 2007
intro to the world of art damage

this is the first posting of the
art damage ultrablog
home of the whopper.
glad you could join me
i've been sorting out various technical issues with my recording studio and this has pre-empted any creation. so i'm reading and calling tech support.
the photo above is a video still from the infamous "blood performance" where i spontaneously became a monty cantsin spontaneously during an all-ages gig and withdrew my blood with a syringe and then sprayed it on to the snow channel of a black and white TV. it was an interesting experiment as the so-called Chinese Whispers effect where the true story of what went down was significantly altered as it passed around town... it actually appeared in a local college newsweekly that i licked the blood off of the TV. Not a bad idea i'll have to try that...
some girl thought i was injecting drugs on stage. THAT IS SO NOT TRUE!
instead i was smoking hash behind the building before my performance and my friend gave me a sublingual ativan before the show (2mg) but that's all. i promise.
anyway the whole thing was filmed by trusty perp videonog abominog. i should figure out how to get that video on youtube! maybe some people might like that...
in the meantime i've concentrated less on performance art (damage) and more on music.
hopefully ideas like listening to music should catch on someday and i can put the on-stage antiks to rest. (best left to the professionals). i hope that if you want to hear what kind of music i create don't expect industrial noise... all the time.
you might be surprised
ok well i'm all typed out
i'll post again soon
thanks for reading
art damage
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